I made this cake a few weeks ago but did not write about it right away with the intention of writing about it during a baking break. Why the baking break? We were preparing our home for sale and I was reluctantly packing away my stand mixer for the showings.
Turns out that one and a half weeks of having your home on the market is very tiring and rather stressful. It felt like an eternity and I was not in the best frame of mind for writing about cakes. Our home is now sold, and we are in the midst of planning the renovations for our new home (new kitchen yay!!!).
This was the second last cake of birthday season in my family. My nephew requested a superhero cake and my sister sent me a few photo ideas of what he liked. We kept the cake design simple since I was in the process of packing cake-making supplies away.
I ended up rolling the fondant a bit thinner than I usually like to because I really purchased just enough fondant to get the cake done. I didn't want to have any leftover fondant since I would not have a good place to store it during the showings.
I used modelling paste and silicone moulds to make the pearl border.

For the logos, I printed them onto card stock and cut out the templates using an x-acto knife. I rolled modelling paste very thin and cut out the logos using the template and an x-acto knife. I smoothed the edges using a dog bone gumpaste tool.
I piped the spiderman web using black royal icing. Ideally I would have measured and marked the board to ensure the web was even as it's really difficult to correct mistakes when you are using black icing. I decided to free-hand it and it turned out just fine. I guess the stringwork class that I completed, but did not really enjoy, came in handy.
The cake was a simple vanilla cake with vanilla swiss meringue buttercream.
I haven't unpacked my stand mixer yet since selling but I hope to be back up to baking and blogging soon. I will sadly be taking another baking break toward the end of the summer as we move into our new home. The kitchen likely won't be finished by the time we move and I am not sure I'm up for the challenge of figuring out what I can come up with using only a wooden spoon and a microwave!